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March 16, 2018

Creating a Focal Point with your Décor

When you walk into a room, the first thing you notice is the room’s focal point. The focal point of a room influences the arrangement of furniture. You may want to add a new piece of furniture, such as a coffee table or accent chair, or you might want to change the look of the room entirely by rearranging your current furniture.

Decorating the room to emphasize the focal point is a great way to re-energize the space. In today’s homes, the primary standouts are the fireplace and the television.

Working with What You Have

With so many different options for televisions, it’s challenging to keep the TV from overpowering the rest of the room. You may also have a massive fireplace that immediately draws attention. Because you can’t “hide” your TV or move your fireplace, you should try to create an adjacent accent wall that lures the attention away.

Creating a new focal point for a room is not hard to do. We recommend using paint or wallpaper to create an accent wall, a piece of furniture with a large mirror or artwork above it, or a wall filled with framed art. Any of these could become your new focal point.

Avoiding Pitfalls

One of the most common errors when minimizing one focal point and creating a new one is accidentally creating a competing focal point. Rather than trying to hide the previous focal point, you should try to work it into the overall feel and flow of the room.

Try to arrange furniture in a way that allows the original focal point to be seen but in a way, that downplays its significance. For example, if it’s a fireplace you’re trying to minimize, keep the decorations to a minimum and avoid hanging anything above it.

In some cases, adding a large piece of furniture, such as a large armoire or cabinet, is all it takes to shift a room’s focus. You may also consider adding a colourful accent chair or curtains with bright patterns to change the look, feel, and focal point of a room.

If you’re ready to create a new focal point to your home’s living room, you can always rent furniture to see how it works in the space. This allows you to try new styles and mix your existing furniture with something new until you find the combination that works best for you. Executive Furniture Rental can help by providing individual pieces in a variety of styles so you can select what works best for your home.

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