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According to an article posted on 23 March on, Google might be considering employee relocation for its 600 employees based on Mainland China. As you might know if you’ve been following tech news lately, Google and the Chinese government have been engaged in a rather high-profile spat lately. To summarize (via that always-excellent repository of human knowledge, Wikipedia):
On January 12 of this year, Google reported a number of hacker attacks on various Gmail accounts, including some belonging to Chinese human rights activists, and claimed the attacks originated in China. Google also alleged that other corporations were similarly attacked, and finished its statement by announcing that it would stop censoring the results it returns on Now, obviously, the Chinese government disapproved of this stance. Various options were floated and mulled over in subsequent days. Dithering ensued. Finally, on March 22, Google redirected its Chinese site,, to its site located on Hong Kong,, and returned uncensored results. On March 30, the Chinese government banned all use of Google’s search sites in Mainland China.
Where does this leave the 600 people Google employs in the Middle Kingdom? There are fears, whether unfounded or not, that some of the employees might have difficulty securing new jobs should Google close its doors on the mainland. As we stated, and as the Wall Street Journal article suggests, a relocation might be in order. While Executive Furniture Rentals, over here in Toronto, is a world away, we can at least humbly offer some advice to the search and advertising giant:
Google, you’re experts in web-based applications. Should you decide to make the move, put your trust in experts of corporate relocation. Let an organization in the know provide you with all the logistical support you need to succeed in your new home, from beginning to the end. Make sure it’s an organization that offers it all, from establishing temporary corporate housing to providing comprehensive office furniture rental.
And if Hong Kong doesn’t pan out, there’s always Toronto.
Just pulling your leg!
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