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One of the best “highs” is to find that right piece of home or office furniture at a fraction of the original price. This autumn, Executive Furniture Rentals will be having a massive sale of excess inventory. It will be held at our secondary warehouse at 900 Caledonia Road. (south of Lawrence. At the end of Glencairn) It will only be open on certain week ends. The first sale will be on Saturday , September 25 and Sunday September 26.
The advantages of buying pre-owned/rented is you are only paying the depreciated value. Like a car, once that desk or sofa is used, even for 5 minutes, the monetary value plummets. From bedroom sets to boardrooms, thousands of dollars can be saved for the hunter who enjoys the sport of “find n’ save”.
Furniture rental companies can offer an array of savings on furniture returned from home staging (leather is always popular) and special office projects. For example, we were involved in a large swing space project with over 250 five drawer lateral file cabinets, originally bought new. They were returned in excellent condition. Our original costs was $605. We sold them for only $195—a savings of 68% off wholesale price!
You are invited to share the savings. Please take advantage of the gift attached to enjoy even further discounts. All prices of pre-rented and new products will be below our original (wholesale) costs. Let the hunt begin!
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