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Let’s face it, we all love deals. Why should we buy something at full retail markup when you can buy the same item below wholesale price? In Toronto there are many places to go in one’s search for “the great deal” – i.e. Aarons Clearance Centre. The best kept secrets are at furniture rental companies.
For the stationary, sitting in front of the computer and searching on marketplaces such as Kijiji, Craigslist or eBay, may be a start to find out what is available at any given time by people wanting to re-sell their personal property. Consignment stores can be fun. These are, retail stores dedicated to have individual’s products put in a showroom, for a consignment fee, so the public can visit. You’ll be amazed at some of the treasures (and junk!) that you will see. Sometimes newspapers and even websites announce weekly bargains that retail stores are having. My favourite, of course, is visiting reputable furniture rental companies who have structured clearance centres. If they are legitimate clearance stores, they truly will have their furnishings below original wholesale price.
All products like sofas, living room sets, mattresses, dining room sets, kitchen sets, bedroom sets and so much more have been previously rented to executives who have temporarily been relocated, used for home staging (to sell homes). In addition, office furniture, such as filing cabinets, desks, office chairs, workstations, screens, worktables, etc. have come back from lease, tradeshows or simply became excess inventory. I suggest you visit and actually see the furniture first hand. Ask if there are any monthly discount coupons. If you like to bargain, make the sales person sweat a bit (hey, it’s used furniture!!) but don’t be unreasonable or rude. Remember, a good deal is only good if both parties walk away satisfied (My Dad always said that!).
I came across an interesting quote the other day, and I think it aptly applies to bargain hunting. It read “Perception is reality….only to the ignorant.” If you are truly looking for something at a good price, research the product and who you are buying it from. Perhaps ask for references. Do they stand behind the product or simply say, It’s used. You get what you paid for”. False expectation should never be sold….by anyone!
So, need to find the perfect piece of furniture for your basement, or furnish a complete office with furniture that has been depreciated? No problem. Find a reputable furniture rental company and enjoy the hunt! Contact us for more information about furniture rental.
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The deal we hope we won’t have to do…As you read this, plans are being made by all levels of government in Canada for the possible resurgence of the Novel Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic virus, this autumn. While we are prepared for emergency furniture rental services, it’s the deal we hope we won’t have to do. Currently, this virus makes up 95% of...