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As you read this, plans are being made by all levels of government in Canada for the possible resurgence of the Novel Influenza A (H1N1) pandemic virus, this autumn. While we are prepared for emergency furniture rental services, it’s the deal we hope we won’t have to do.
Currently, this virus makes up 95% of influenza strains detected by the Ontario Public Health laboratory. The pandemic is expected to spread. Sources say that 25% of our populations could be affected. What can we do?….Prepare!!
On a personal level, Public Health suggests carrying hand sanitizers and sneezing in our upper sleeve or a tissue. It is important to stay at home if one has flu symptoms and keep commonly touched surfaces clean and disinfected. Be pro-active by being preventive. Make plans within your business and family to reduce the risk of acquiring this virus.
On a broader level, Medical Institutions, in coordination with Public Health are planning for the possibility of mass immunization in temporary spaces. Hospitals will need to service the overflow of emergency cases in temporary facilities. These spaces will need temporary furnishings and Executive Furniture Rentals has been put on alert with very limited notice. It’s what we do.
For over 50 years we as a furniture for hire company have been involved in emergency planning. We are honoured to contribute our services. It is however, the deal we hope we won’t have to do.
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