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August 5, 2010

Home Staging Questions to Ask

Home staging is a rapidly growing field within the real estate industry. Formerly reserved for an extreme case that needed major sprucing up (what some real estate agents might refer to as a “project”), home staging is now a viable and accepted option for virtually any home or office on the market today.  There’s a good reason why, too: Home staging, and the people who do it well, can bring wonderful results, accentuating the positive features of a property on the market while simultaneously minimizing the impact of a space’s weaker points.

The question, however, is this: Who does do it well, and how can you find that out?  We found an excellent home staging article while browsing around the internet, reading up on industry news and publications.  It lists some questions that you might want to consider asking a prospective home stager when you first contact them.  We think that some of these are good to keep in mind.

Basically, hiring a home stager is like hiring any specialist to do work for you.  You’ll want to do  your homework, especially if their expertise falls outside what you can typically claim.  Asking questions, then, is a wonderfully simple way to determine what kind of service you can expect.  You can determine what sort of experience your stager has had by asking for references or a portfolio.  You can get a decent indicator of the quality of the home stager by asking how long properties they’ve staged usually take to sell.  Want to figure out what sort of style the stager will employ?  Simply ask!

Looking to sell a home or office in the Toronto area?  Contact us at Executive Furniture Rentals!  We’ll be glad to put our proven expertise in home staging to work to help you get an excellent price from your property in a reasonable time period.  And don’t  forget—we have a whole host of other excellent products and services available, including some of the best office furniture in Toronto!

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As the ultimate destination for Toronto furniture rental solutions, we here at Executive Furniture Rentals know a thing or two about cleaning wood furniture.  After all, our organization has roots in the Canadian furniture rental industry that are over half a century old, when Arthur Miller founded Canadian Furniture Leasing to provide affordable home furniture...